Today's Innovation ... Tomorrow's Destination

A Fort Worth innovation district where technology and research combine to build the future … right here, right now.

Our Mission

The Fort Worth-Tarrant County Innovation Partnership is the local business and civic leadership that partners with Texas A&M Fort Worth. We are the nexus that connects the ground-breaking research being done at A&M with real businesses who then turn the academic exploration into real-world transformation.

Near-Term Impacts

Economic Impact Report, TXP, Inc.
Fall 2023

Anticipated Permanent Jobs
Projected Total Economic Activity
$ 0 M
Direct Spend
$ 0 M

Ultimate Impacts

Economic Impact Report, TXP, Inc.
Fall 2023

Anticipated Permanent Jobs
Projected Total Economic Activity
$ 0 B
Direct Spend
$ 0 B


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Inspire A District That Shows Growth Potential

Our Innovation District connects A&M research with core industries—aerospace and aviation, media and entertainment, agriculture and food science, health care, workforce development, entrepreneurship, and start up commercialization. In each hub, industry partners will help guide the academic research so that it meets their specific needs. It’s a revolution in how the academy and industry work together. Industry will help shape the research … and the research will help re-shape Industries

Get In Touch

For the Fort Worth Tarrant County Innovation Partnership, this is just the beginning. Today in North Texas, we are building a better tomorrow for the world. To find out more, contact us here.

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